More Than Just a House

New beginnings

Sometimes, one of the hardest things to admit is that addiction is a family disease.  You never wanted to see your son, daughter, or family member suffer.  You've probably tried to pick up the pieces.  You've probably been sad, angry, and hurt.  More than anything, you want your loved one back - the one you knew before addiction took them away.  All About Recovery Sober Living homes can help make that happen.

building strength

Letting go doesn't mean you love your family member any less.  As much as you want to help, the greatest gift you can give is to let us do what we do best.  Sober living is responsible living.

creating HEALTHY habits

We help our residents learn the skills that lead to self-sufficiency; including employment within their first two weeks.  Sober living, combined with the 12-step program, create a supportive environment where our residents help each other through similar challenges and celebrate victories along recovery's road.


When your family member joins the All About Recovery Sober Living family, you are welcome to visit.  In fact, we want you to see those positive changes.  We also encourage you to attend a 12-step group like Al-Anon to help you care for yourself and adjust to the changing family roles that recovery requires.  Above all, we look forward to the day that your family is back together - better than ever!

